
You belong to me forever and always


10-21-2013, 09:07 PM

Questions spewed from his lips, distrust clearly written on his face. He had every reason not to trust her. His first question would go unanswered, why was of no importance to him. His pleading words fueled the wild fire that had been set loose within her, letting it run free. Help me, and I'll help you. It was just the words she had been wanting to hear. Words that caused her wicked grin to spread even farther across her face. She felt the gentle and daring caress of his tongue across her flesh, leaving a white hot path in its wake.

"Good." Husky words dripped like honey from her lips. She continued to egg him on, feed his darkest desires with simple touches and words. She would continue to fuel the fire that burned within. "The first thing you need to know is that you don't strike for the obvious. She'll be expecting that one day someone will come for her head. If you want her life, then you start with her pack, her family, everything she cares for."

Harsh words would be followed by a rough attack. Jaws would unhinged and aim for the muscle of his shoulder. If he didn't move then her fangs would only brush the surface of his skin, leaving him unharmed for the moment. From behind him, then tiny feline began to move, tiny paws made no noise as they kissed the earth and when she was close enough she struck, launching herself at the brutes back, claws extended for grip. The silver temptress would lift her head, eyes never straying from her shadow, giving nothing away about Cena's attack. Either he would remember and notice her approach or he would remained fixated on herself and fall victim to tiny claws across his back.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"