
Pirates' life for me

Getting ready for yearling raid 2



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
03-22-2023, 08:09 PM

Rivin had been brood, and truthfully, she had been brooding for a long time. Her mother leaving with one of their siblings, if she even considered them family anymore, followed by the death of a pack mate, and then the changes she herself was going through. Rivin was a year old but, even as Sparrow had called to the pack to celebrate those becoming a yearling, the girl had drug her feet about even showing up. It was meant to be a party, right? She should have been happy, excited. Hell, knowing that her first raid would be happening soon should have thrilled her to no end. But Rivin had become distant. More distant with the pack than she had ever been. That pup that roamed the beach had been spending more and more time at Time’s Cavern with her companions. She had acquired a weapon, a defensive item to go with it, and companions for fighting, and yet… she wasn’t exactly training either. She was brooding… like she was fighting a war within herself.

...and maybe she was. She felt angry and frustrated more often. Almost constantly. It was like there was something shifting just under her skin and making it feel like it was going to crawl. She felt like someone was trying to whisper to her but there were no words. Only emotion. Rivin hated it. She hated feeling like she was going to explode. She had tried following Pyralis’ advice of hunting but even mauling poor defenseless animals wasn’t enough. She needed to strike something that could strike back… and at last the opportunity for that arose. Sparrow called for them and Rivin motioned for her companions to follow her. She would make her way to the beach and sit, tail curled around her paws, focused on the Pirate King as she spoke.

Koi wolves, huh? Whatever. They had something, the pirates wanted it, and the pirates were going to take it. Rivin snorted. “Do we get bonus points if we bring back a body part and the bamboo?” Maybe she could bring back a pretty patterned ear or tail to keep at her den.

"Talk," 'Think.'