
The Bugles of War Are to Be Heard!!!


10-21-2013, 10:06 PM

It was just as he feared. The war had begun, and with it the fear of losing his sister. His heart raced and it felt as if the ground beneath him lurched away from his feet. It was obvious now, as the panic set into his newfound steel gaze. It had felt like something knocked the air out of him, the news of Amenti in the war meant one thing to him; Gretel would be forced to fight for the pack that she despised. His eyes stung as he tried to force away the tears that accompanied his dark thoughts. Immediately, he would turn to Taurig then as his voice came out sharp. Though he hadn't meant to, he just didn't want his sister to get hurt or killed in a war that she was forced to participate in against her will. "Taurig! If Amenti is there then my sister Gretel will be there as well, forced to fight in a war that she wants no part of! She's a slave, Taurig. Please, let me go to this war...I have to make sure she remains unharmed. I fear she won't be able to fight like she used to, not with the injuries that the masked bitch inflicted on her! I saw her in Amenti shortly before coming to Tortuga...please, I beg you don't let her come to any harm from our own..." His voice would begin to shake, and his gaze wavered though he tried to keep it strong. His sister...oh his poor dear sister. He would trade places with her in an instant if he could, or try and take her back from Amenti. But as it was, he was not yet of high enough rank to do such a thing. A thoguht occured to him then, and he wondered if his Alpha or another of high enough rank would be willing. "Taurig sir, I have a request. Could you or one of our betas possibly challenge for her? Please, she's all I have. I would trade my life for hers without question, if I must then I will do that. She doesn't deserve to endure the life she's in, and I can't stand to see her like that...please Taurig, she's my only family. We only have each other...please, I'm begging.."
