
Saving the damsel in distress



Intermediate Fighter (45)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

7 Years
03-24-2023, 11:03 AM

The world was a blur. One moment she was by the sea and then the scent of salt disappeared. Water was still present though. She could hear it thundering in the distance as it crashed down against stone. Where was she? Vaguely, the woman's memory pieced together a face. A wolf had been speaking to her. Had he taken her somewhere? Consciousness was tapping the woman between the eyes, urging her to wake, so she did.

Ochi could feel gentle paws move over her mottled fur and could both hear and feel water dripping around her. The fae opened her eyes- or, more appropriately, opened her eye. One was swollen shut from the wound that she could feel throbbing hotly above it. Ochitsuki's left eye, glacial blue in color, opened and looked upon the earthen colored face of a large brute. She met the man's turquoise gaze boldly and without flinching or looking elsewhere. Ochi held that eye contact and would not look away. Usually others looked away first due to her station, but this wolf wouldn't know who or what she was.

A grimace pulled at the woman's dark maw as she attempted to stand. Her whole body ached, but other than the cut above her eye, she wasn't too worse for wear. Lips peeled back to flash pristine, white teeth as the monochromatic fae rolled her shoulders and stretched her neck from side to side. She was a little too achy to shake the water from her fur, so she simply stood there in the small pool, water sluicing off of her damp pelt.

Delicate, pale ears shifted forward as the woman brought her attention back to the coffee colored brute once more. Her voice was clear and practiced, somehow both authoritative and soft all at once. "I am most grateful for your assistance," accented tones drifted between them. As she spoke, the fae's eye closed and she gracefully dipped her head in a bow, but not too low. The action made her head swim and her haunches folded. Ochi sat down hard in the pool with a gasp and another grimace. "It would seem as though I may have a concussion," One snowy paw rose to gently touch the bandage that covered her forehead and eye. "I will be fine if you've other duties to attend to. I'll not take more of your time."She had a mission to fulfill. A wolf to find.

"Ochitsuki Ishii"

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1. Saving the damsel in distress Sunset Falls 11:37 PM, 03-11-2023 05:16 AM, 10-31-2023