

lurid or reqium



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

03-24-2023, 02:56 PM
T hough Mirovis was still a fledgling pack by time's standards, much had already been accomplished to bring the Amarix dynasty back from the brink of oblivion. Many of Lurid's family had returned to swear fealty to her as their Empress, and others had joined in the wake of her victory to claim these lands as hers. And Requiem... well, Requiem was reaping the spoils and rewards that came with his new station. As Haihefa to the Blodreina, he had been busy shoring up their defenses, establishing an undeniable scent boundary around their borders and ensuring all dangerous predators had been chased from the lands or laid to rest. While Lurid went through their new home covering the halls and rooms in her delectable scent, Req had been tending to his instruments of his profession and passion, much like a barber would tend to his razors or a butcher to his cleaver. Requiem fancied himself more of an artist in this case, and his blades were his brushes.

A call from a strange voice to their southern border caught his attention, paws pausing mid-stroke of a whetstone down the sharp edges of his dagger as he read the intent behind the call. A stranger come to speak to him and Lurid, eh? How curious. A moment later and Lurid's response would ring out in beautiful dual vocals, and then the specter was at the door, summoning her to him with that loving tone he was still getting used to. Every time he heard it, it was like living a dream. The brute flashed a tooth-filled grin to his beloved and gave the dagger a bit of a flourish between his paw before sliding it into the sheath worn on his foreleg. "Then let's not keep our guest waiting, pulchra." Rising with a graceful fluidity to his movements, the crimson brute followed his alabaster queen out of the ship and across the tundra to greet their guest.

R equiem studied the newcomer with careful curiosity. She was a titchy thing, a solid two feet shorter than himself, yet she carried herself with poise and confidence that spoke of some degree of authority. A noblewoman or a fellow alpha, perhaps? Although nothing about her screamed danger, Req remained on guard. He'd been fooled by those who hid their true deadliness behind unassuming exteriors before and he was not in the business of judging books by their covers. "Good day, miss," he greeted her in turn with Lurid, allowing the Blodreina to lead this interaction, though making it apparent with his calm demeanor and closeness to his pale queen that he was a wolf of note as well, and here with a purpose.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.