
The Bugles of War Are to Be Heard!!!


10-21-2013, 11:26 PM

It wasn't often that she was late for a meeting, especially when the howl was so urgent. But today the red woman was across the territory, on the back end of a loop of her patrol. But as soon as she heard the howl the woman's neck would turn so quickly her neck crack. What was this? She had heard of the impending war, had spoken to both Friction and Kylar about it. Was it here? Long legs set her off at a quick lope and then into a sprint, weaving in and out of the trees expertly before coming to an abrupt halt a short distance off from the small gathering. Words ebbed and flowed around her and immediately her heart dropped. Vixe store with Glaciem but her siblings stood with Valhalla. Damn she should stand for Valhalla... Lips curled back into a vicious snarl, ears folded back as a mental war raged within her skull. What could she do? "Lord Taurig, I would like to request that I go with Valhalla and act as a medic, I can treat wounds and I have a stock like of herbs in my den. Zara and Io may want to come as well... Just as medics, I'll keep them safe." Her voice was hard, a low growl rumbling up her throat. Zara and Io could do what they wanted, Zara had experience as a warrior just as Vi was if not better so she could care for herself but maybe it would be best if Io stayed behind. She was young and could do more here but Vi wouldn't stop her if she wanted to come along.

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