Honestly, being summoned to meetings and events so frequently was beginning to get old. Yeah, in the grand scheme of things, it had only been a couple of assemblies. But that was plenty enough for Aresenn. However, he knew this one was going to be one of the important ones. After the older pups went on their raid, the Praetor boy had been anticipating the announcement of the younger yearling raid- not that he was looking forward to it.
Just as the Pirate King was announcing their next target, Aresenn found a spot on the edge of the gathering. He spotted his sister among those already gathered- but no Diablo. He couldn't imagine that any of them would be getting out of this one, though. The young brute tuned back in as he heard his name in the role call, but quickly lost interest again as he waited for something that warranted a response from him. For now, he would brood in silence- awaiting further instruction.