
Always Baby Steps




Advanced Hunter (60)

Novice Navigator (17)

5 Years

Pride - HomoromanticSamhain 2022
03-25-2023, 11:47 AM

Asheila enjoyed the bonfire festival and the getting together for meetings but it was all a little overwhelming for her. She was growing back into a social life but it was still hard being around large groups, most of them wolves she didn't really know. Ever since she came back to The Hallows she had felt just out of place. Even amongst her siblings. She loved them of course, she was happy to be back here with them. But she was struggling with the time of her life she had lost. She was a step, or even more behind them. Not that she was growing old one of these days but she was having a difficult time even leaving the Hallows. She didn't know if it was only time that she needed to recover and actually start her life over. She felt stuck and she did mostly blame herself.

She was getting more comfortable on her own outside the castle walls, during the day that was. The weather and elements didn't bother her much at least. She was used to the heat and the rain when it came. It was just her line of sight that was her concern, and her capability of protecting herself. It wasn't really unknown to her siblings she guessed, but she didn't talk about it. Staying away from the borders and walking along the plain's stream was easy enough for her. She was getting into a routine of it which helped her relax at least. Gentle paws walked along the shallow bank as she moved towards the south borders. She was in no hurry though since she would probably just head back towards the castle after she made the length down. Clearly just a member killing time in the only way she knew how. Or more so, what she was comfortable with. There was always more to see outside but she wouldn't take the chance unless she was with one of her brothers.

"Asheila Carpathius"