
I tried to fight it, but your so magnetic



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

03-25-2023, 06:28 PM

When I fall apart, Promise in the dark

When lucette snuggled up to his side he gave a smile to her. A dip of his head as she said her mom looked rough, a curious glance to her. Bellamy looking rough meant either her mental state was slipping or that she was overdoing it on being an alpha. That or she just hadn't stopped recently to take care of herself. He was certain he would get an explanation in time though. He turned his eyes back to the area Lucy had come from, where he was sure Bellamy would appear from. He was not disappointed. She was there almost as soon as he had howled, meaning she was already on her way when he had done so.

He took in the sight of Bellamy as she sat, or rather flopped on the ground. She was underweight, looked somewhat unkempt, and looked exhausted. She looked like either she hadn't been asking her pack for help, or that her pack was so small that she just was doing everything herself. Knowing what he knew of the other headstrong warrior, it was likely she just hadn't sought out the help.

However he dipped his head in greeting to her to accept her own greeting of him but let out a chuckle at her question of his intent. "That would be highly inappropriate, asking to take her away to neglect her duties, don't you think? You make it sound like I'm nothing more than a Casanova Bellamy...." a smirk at his own joke of the situation. obviously he had never stolen Luce away but they could definitely make that joke over it. "Honestly though, I came to discuss joining Ethne, though with my recent mental state and issues I could understand being told no." He needed to be blunt and straight to the point. A glance towards Lucy was spared to make sure he was doing this right, if she really wanted him around he needed to do this right. hopefully she wouldn't be upset if Bellamy told him no though.

Walk, "talk", Think

You'll be my nightlight

Art by Asena

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.