
Rule 1 - Don't punch above your weight



The Hallows

Master Fighter (242)

Advanced Navigator (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
03-25-2023, 09:38 PM

Kia hadn’t explored too far from the Hallows yet. One of the furthest places he had gone was Aspen Dam to collect firewood with Tally. He was impatient with growing, it all seemed rather tedious and slow. His parents weren’t going to trust him with anything sharp and truly interesting until he was older. It left him to train, and imagine his adventures.

He had started out in the Starlit meadow, before making his way to Cedar Falls. Following the scent of water. He didn’t intend to go far from the pack, or to be out long - he was on his best behaviour until he had earned his sword, after all. He knew Marigold was watching him, keeping enough of a distance that he didn’t feel stifled, but near at hand.

He arrived at the falls, and had just made a careful crossing to the other side when he heard the sound of pounding paws. He froze, nose twitching in the air as he looked for the source and found… no way, was that a wolf? She looked like she would barely go up to his shins. But that wasn’t the best part. No, the best part was the sword she held in her teeth. He was so busy gaping at the little epic wolf that he almost missed the cougar as it came careening into view. Kia stepped out from the rocks that had sheltered him mostly from view until this point and came racing into the fray. Lifting his head to let out a battle cry as he launched himself forward to clash with the cougar. Not that a sword-weilding wolf would need his help, right? But he wasn’t about to let her take all the fun!

"Ciaran Carpathius"