
Rule 1 - Don't punch above your weight




Master Fighter (245)

Master Healer (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Toy size

1KSamhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
03-26-2023, 12:57 AM

So they did have practice swords... but they wanted him to wait until he was two? She pulled a face at that. “I bought mine myself, if yer change yer mind on waitin', I know a guy...” Her eyes were squinting at the edges and a sly little smile pulled at the corner of her lips bringing a teasing tone to her words. She could understand wanting to keep ones parents happy but... if you were going to be out in the big wide world, better to be able to protect yourself, right?

When he turned the topic to fighting cats, she tipped her head towards Kenta, her asiatic golden cat, who stood over her by a good 5 inches. “He's m' main sparrin' partner,” the cat only acknowledged her words with a flick of his ear and continued to groom his forelegs and stomach dismissively. “There must be somethin' about m' colour or somethin' though, every time I leave home at the moment predators're after me. First it was a pack o' coyotes, an' then a badger, now this...” Her ibis must have decided it was finally safe enough to come down as he landed gracelessly by the water way and started picking between the stones. “An' this one ain't th' greatest at directions...” Therein was the reason she called him garbage.

“How about you? Make'a habit o' pickin' fights with the wildlife? An' what was with all that lady knight stuff? M'names Fuji,” the next part always made her squint, “like th' purple flower.” Maybe it was some sort of inside joke between her mother and father? She began to glance around to see if there was anything she could use to cart a few of the entrails home to leave as a parting gift for Rheum. She wouldn't be able to prank her sister for much longer after all.


Just move those left feet, go ahead, get crazy
[Image: i0F1X8z.gif]