
I tried to fight it, but your so magnetic



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-26-2023, 03:13 PM

Highly inappropriate, huh? Bellamy was a bit curious at Bae-Syl’s answer, though she certainly respected him for it. The woman managed a small, weary smile. “You are both adults now, Bae-Syl. You can’t blame a woman for having suspicions. Especially when you and Lucette enjoyed traveling so much together in the past.” Her tone might have been friendly over all, but her eyes would tell Bae-Syl more about her true thoughts than her words. She kept her green gaze focused on him. If he wanted to be with her daughter as more than a friend, he would need her approval. While the Leader welcomed the idea of her children finding love, she knew how naive some of them could be. Trusting. And she’d be damned if he got her pregnant or something and disappeared again for any reason. Bae-Syl hadn’t shown any intent to hurt or betray Luce yet, but his coming in and out of things did have her mom senses a bit worried.

That worry was easing a little at his next words, if only slightly. She arched a brow. He was finally considering joining them? The invitation had been there all along, unspoken, but the monochrome woman had become certain he was was wary of pack life. Besides, their first encounter probably didn’t exactly inspire confidence in having her as a leader. What was that about his recent mental state though? That did not sound good at all. Bellamy understood what it was like to wrestle with demons… but… would he be dangerous? Could she safely assume he wouldn’t lash out at their other members or even Lucette’s younger siblings? Her brow furrowed, considering her options, when Lucette spoke up.

Her daughter was anxious, worried, and her desire to have Bae with her was clear. She also brought up Bellamy’s recent activity and self neglect which earned a grunt from the woman. She was doing what she had to do. Hearing the mention of the tiger brought a snarl to Bellamy’s lip. “No beast, wolf or otherwise, will get away with harming any of my family.” That went for those of her blood, those who were adopted, and even those simply a member of the pack. Bellamy would protect them all, no matter the cost. Lucy’s next statement though caused Bellamy to frown, a bit of her own worry flickering in her eyes.

Lucette said she’d handle Bae-Syl’s mental health. Was… was it that bad? Her ears fell a little. She had never once seen him so much as move a single hair on her daughter out of place. Even if he went after others, she strongly believed he would hurt himself before he ever attacked her daughter. Bellamy closed her eyes with a sigh. Luce was right… spreading herself between two territories was way too much. Much of the pack was in the territory of the Falls too. That would give her daughter and Bae time to work on things. She flicked her eyes open, giving a small nod. “Very well… but I can’t say that your mention of your mental health wavering is a good sign...” Bells looked to Bae.

“Not that I’m… in a position to judge… am I?” She snorted. “I’m sure I look like shit. I feel it, too.” She yawned again. “I will accept you as a combatant of Ethne. You are to primarily still to Cattail Creek unless Lucette is with you as far as the lands go. If a month goes by without incident, you can start coming into the Falls and mingling more freely with the other members. You know yourself, and Luce knows you better, I’m sure.” Bellamy got to her paws. “I hate restricting any member… but if you are concerned… I should be just a little as well. Do what you can, Bae-Syl, and prove us both wrong. I’m sure you are capable.” The Leader yawned again.

“If there is nothing else… I want to nap… I’ll have Gavroche help Lucette bring her things out this way once you have two found a suitable place to den.”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.