
'Til I Collapse




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-26-2023, 04:12 PM

Bellamy shook her head. “It’s alright. I haven’t exactly given any of our members any instruction on what they should be doing, their duties… Unfortunately the brunt of the blame for the slip falls on me. I have to accept that.” The woman spoke calmly, not in a manner to beat herself up, but to understand why things had happened. There were consequences for inaction just as much as action. Bellamy glanced to Dag, giving a small nod. “You are not wrong. I have been keeping an eye out for potential members, and before this I had started making efforts to reach out to other alphas and establish relations. I never realized there was so much to being an alpha.” Bellamy chuckled softly. “Soon the children will be moving into the Fledgling rank though… once we have them trained maybe I won’t stress so much. Maybe...” As a mother she was sure still would.

The woman listened to Dag tell her the cause was actually a grizzly, in the North. Bells arched a brow at this. Her heart gave a pang at the next thing to escape the viking’s lips. “Not stupid. If we lose hope, do we have anything left?” Her gaze and voice softened. “I’ve been in that situation myself. Despite knowing the sister that was described was caught in a cave in. Logically, there was no way she could have survived, and yet I chased after that description anyway.” Bellamy shook her head. “...As much as I’d love for Ethne to be that family for everyone, for those who may have none left… but I won’t pretend to say that blood does not matter at all. If you happen to get such information again, I’d hope you’d check on it.”

Bellamy smiled a little. “Glad you aided that Armada wolf, though. They’re not allies, or necessarily on friendly terms, but they have no intention of making us into enemies. I’d prefer to keep that stance, and do what we can to show the type of integrity the pack has a whole.” She was still exhausted, but it felt nice to be able to talk with one of her members. A small weight was lifted as a result. “I plan to address some changes for the pack, as well as expectations per rank and some apprentice pairings at our next meeting. I do have something I’d like to ask you alone, however.” Bellamy flicked her ears.

“Given where we are in Auster, I can not always make my way to Boreas. While I’d like you to return and spend time with us, I’d also like to encourage you heading to Boreas to interact with other pack wolves and, should you meet any loners seeking a home, direct them our way.” Bellamy drew in a breath. “I know it is a lot to ask of a single wolf. But, if you are as capable as you seem, I am sure that you will have no problems. Should you accept, I’d like to announce a new specialized rank for your position at that meeting as well. Different from our Fanciers and Connoisseur, as your mission won’t be to interact with the other alphas, but their members, and establish connections that way.”

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.