
Always Baby Steps




Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
03-26-2023, 08:32 PM
Anthea walked slowly along the bank of the stream that ran through the plains, her blue and green gaze scanning the bank for any browning horsetail or particularly tall grasses she could collect for her projects. In between helping with the occasional hunt, doing patrols, or doing fighting lessons with Mercury she had taken to working on her dream catchers in her spare time, but she didn't want to take supplies from the pack's stores to do so. If it was something for the pack she could justify using those supplies more regularly, but since these were just fun crafts to keep herself busy and remind her a bit of home she felt less guilty when she was collecting her own materials.

Today she was trying to take advantage of the onset of Auster's autumn to get some plants while they were on their way to drying out but not fully dead yet. She glanced up at her path to make sure she wasn't going too close to the pack's borders since she had been so focused on the plant life around the stream instead of where she was going. She was surprised to see a gray and black marked woman in the distance walking along the stream as well and moving toward her. She briefly considered turning away from the stream or moving out of the way, but she really hadn't gotten to know anyone in the pack outside of Mercury so maybe this was a chance to do just that.

As she got closer to the stranger she offered her a soft smile. In an attempt to make conversation she asked, "Hey, did you happen to see any good patches of plants or flowers that way? I'm mostly looking for reeds or horsetail."

"Anthea Dásos"