
It ain't the speakers that bump hearts it's our hearts that make the beat

Pack Meeting


03-26-2023, 10:56 PM
Nessie had been busy exploring anything and everything since they came to these lands. She had been MIA more often than not, however, and she realized she hadn't spent as much time getting to know her packmates let alone hanging out with her family. She frowned at the realization, and decided that she was gonna do better! Maybe if she stopped spreading herself so thin with all the exploring and training herself and all the other random bits of tasks she kept setting for herself, maybe she could do it! Or perhaps she also needed to stop day dreaming so much...whatever the case, she definitely wanted to figure something out. Maybe talking to Mother after the meeting would help her figure it out. There was just so much to do and learn and see that she wanted to do it all!

But not if it would cost her precious time with those she loved. But then how else would she become the fierce little warrior she wanted to be?

She bounced into the meeting, flashing a grin at her mom and siblings as she moves to sit with them. Of course, she glanced back to see her bear of a sister come charging in, too. The pair had been playing hide and seek (which Nessie had completely forgotten about the last few minutes) and shot an apologetic look to Saga before dropping into a playbow towards her siblings. "Heya! Wanna go play after this!?"
