
Let me in, unlock the door



6 Years
10-22-2013, 08:13 AM

From what Iorwerth could tell the situation wasn't exactly normal, though Epiphron's words suggested she wasn't fazed in the slightest by it. Some perhaps may have been shocked to hear about the lack of connection with his family especially when it was only he that actually felt this way. The new children his father had would surely grow up closer to both parents, already Yahir clearly had felt a stronger bond with them than he ever had with Iorwerth. As for his mother and sisters, well they were close to one and other, and with Arelahn's brother and his own children. Though was no use fighting his way into where he didn't belong, hopefully Seracia would be the good home he needed.

He had nothing else to say upon the matter, instead the barn had captivated his attention and he listened as the Queen explained more about the strange structure. He hadn't heard much of humans in his life so far, though from the few pieces of information he had acquired, the did indeed seem rather odd. Of course with such a huge piece of their lives here, there were bound to be a few other weird items around, though he grew a little wary at her words of caution. "Things like what?"

The enquiry soon had its answer however as they stepped inside the barn. The items were large and certainly rather unnatural and fierce in their appearance. Another warning followed, though truth be told Iorwerth wasn't sure he would have been going to close to those sharp edges anyway. He just gave a small nod of his head in acknowledgement of her words and continued to follow her.