
I tried to fight it, but your so magnetic



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

03-27-2023, 08:42 PM

His ears pressed back and dropped as Luce spoke to her mother. Yeah it definitely didn't sound good did it? His eyes looked between the two women though. He needed to be clear and honest. That was the only way he was going to get anywhere with this though.

Then luce spoke more, and his stomach dropped and turned. A tiger? Trying to take a baby? If his face betrayed him and he was sure it did there was first horror and then outrage at the thought. He might not know the child but they were precious to Luce he was sure, and what was precious to her was meant to be his to protect.

He stayed silent though as a threat flew from Bellamy. Then Lucy said she would take responsibility for his mental state. A sigh fell from his lips. Of course she would pledge such things. After her words last night he should of expected as much. "Your mother needs to know Luce...." he looked back to Bellamy. She needed to know that it was something he wasn't certain of. "she got lucky last night when she found me Bellamy.... I'm not just seeing them anymore.... I hear them.... and I get so angry when things go towards Luce.... I mauled a coyote for it last night..... and I didn't feel like myself. I almost attacked Lucy when she found my densite last night." his eyes fell through his words. He was clearly ashamed to admit that he didn't have full control over it. But he had already connected that it had everything to do with his need to protect Lucy.

Then Luce continued. He had to agree with Lucy on that bit so he gave a single nod to her words. Bells looked ready to fall over and die. And then Bellamy accepted him but gave him limitations, but at the same time an entire area to patrol and keep safe. That would be no problem so he nodded, accepting her terms. He could deal with the restrictions, seeing as he wasn't being told he wasn't allowed to leave to explore and do other things.

"Go sleep, I'll help Lucy find a good den where she can still keep herbs and stuff, then ill go patrol and get myself familiar with the territory." he gave them a small smile. He would see about talking with Bellamy alone later after she had ate something and slept more. Give her a few days or weeks maybe.

"Talk, 'Think.'

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.