
It ain't the speakers that bump hearts it's our hearts that make the beat

Pack Meeting



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

03-27-2023, 08:58 PM

Bae had been doing his normal, staying in cattail creek, fighting off mountain lions, being a nuisance for Luce. A call though from bells summoning the entire pack had him stopping in the center of his patrol and turning his head in that direction. Should he really go? Did he trust himself that much to have so many around him, so many that could take Lucy from him?

He shook the thought away. How stupid was he?

His paws started in the direction of the call. A bark as he passed Lucy and his den to let her know in case she was so absorbed in her herbs and settling things in that she hadn't heard her mother. Then he was running. A grin was on his face. His pixie had no way of keeping up with his longer legs.

As he made it closer his grin fell though and he slowed up. He broke into the meeting area and looked about, no luce or gave yet and a few pups, and was that a bear? A shift of his eyebrow but no one else seemed to be worried about the bear so he settled himself a distance away. He was close enough to hear everything but he made it a point to keep distance between himself and all the other members. A glance was thrown behind himself for his pixie but he soon threw his full attention on Bellamy as he waited for Luce to show up. He settled down, laying down so if anything went wrong he would be the slower, Bellamy would easily stop him, she would kill him he trusted if things fucked up. A nod was given to Bellamy as he waited though.

"Talk, 'Think.'

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.