


10-22-2013, 11:30 AM

The others would remain silent as Themisto spoke up, he hadn't known Gideon was back at home. Though the fire still raged in his chest, he felt it start to fizzle out as Themisto promised to bring everyone back. That was a lofty promise, but one he would hold the man to - if he could. "I trust Valhalla to take care of you all, now go and say goodbye to your friends and families and prepare to leave with Syrinx at sunset." Another man came, one Maverick didn't know but expected was a new member based upon his scent. Loccian or Epiphron must have accepted him. "You can be of assistance, ser, though not by marching with the others. I will need to hold back a few warriors to defend the Kingdom. Valhalla will be sending its refugees to us during the war, and it would be wise for all of us to be on our guard. You will be one of my foot soldiers who remains in the kingdom for its own sake." He eyed the man for a moment, and then dipped his head with respect, war was no time for being skeptical. Having dismissed the others, the King slipped toward the new member, interested in getting to know him a bit better. "I am King Maverick, might I have your name ser?"
