
hello it is i, the bestest of big bros and most annoying of sons


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (175)

2 Years
Dire wolf
03-29-2023, 01:06 PM
As soon as she and Ren were tucked away in their hiding place in the tree, she glanced over at him with a wide grin while also biting back her own giggles as she attempted to stay as quiet as possible. There was no way he'd be able to find them here! They were way too fast for a big guy like him to find them, surely! She put her paws over her muzzle to keep herself quiet as she listened to his heavy footsteps and fake-sounding growls outside. At their older brother's musing about whether or not he should just eat them instead, her eyes went wide as she looked back at Ren again, struggling even more to keep her giggles contained. Obviously he wouldn't really eat them, but it very much played into the big-bad-intruder story which of course she loved.

Just as she was trying to figure out how they might get out of here and run to a different hiding spot, she heard their mother's voice outside and her ears perked up, glancing out through the hole in the tree trunk that they had slipped into. Mom! Her desire to have their mother confirm their "brother's" identity outweighed her want to keep up the charade and the game of it all so she wiggled her way out of the hollowed out tree and ran out of the bushes, darting over to their mother to slip in-between her white-gloved legs. "Mom! Mom! He said he's our brother, is that true? Is he an intruder?"

"Rebel Klein"

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1. hello it is i, the bestest of big bros and most annoying of sons Wolfpaw Lake 02:39 PM, 02-02-2023 03:34 AM, 02-13-2024