




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
03-30-2023, 12:27 AM

It wasn't all that often that Avacyn found herself alone with all the various wolves she needed to speak with on a regular basis or just from the fact that her and Saracyn were always nearly inseparable. But today she had made some time for herself after her patrol of the Rock Garden to just walk and think for a moment. She climbed up on one of the fallen pillars that made up this broken and decrepit monument from times long past, sighing softly as she slipped out of her armor and put it off to the side with a shake of her violet and black, galaxy marbled fur. The sun was high in the sky and felt nice on her fur as she slid down onto her stomach, her head tipping up to look at the sky where a few stray clouds were floating by. With everything that had been happening lately it had been difficult to find time just to breathe, but she knew that was only going to become even more true as they inched ever closer to the day she was due to take over as Matriarch.

Her ears flicked a bit at the thought. It was something she had been looking forward two for her entire life, something she was proud to do and was excited about, but she was still nervous and now with the added layer of her relationship with Saracyn to consider it had only grown more tangled. She had to have faith that it would all work out in the end, that this was really how it was meant to be, but it was hard to feel settled in that belief when there wasn't a clear answer at the end. She looked down from the sky to her white-tipped paws, her claws flexing and scratching absently at the stone under her. It felt a bit like taking a leap of faith and while she was certain that her brother and family would be there to catch her, she still wished she could see where she was going to be landing.

A soft breeze flowed through, ruffling her fur a bit–and bringing the scent of a predator to her nose. Her lost, absent thoughts suddenly snapped back to the present and her obsidian gaze popped up in the direction of the breeze just in time to see a tiger rounding the corner of a near by pillar. She hopped to her paws with a snarl, only to end up having to scramble backwards and go toppling backward off of the rock she had been laying on to avoid the tiger as it sprang forward toward her. Avacyn landed on the ground opposite the fallen pillar from the tiger with a thud, wincing a bit and quickly rolling back to her feet as she spun back toward the predator with her hackles bristled, growling threateningly to try and get it to reconsider its choices.

"Avacyn Mendacium"