




Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
03-30-2023, 12:56 AM

One of the greatest perks of the nomadic lifestyle her family led was getting to be her own alpha. She was the boss, she made the decisions for herself! If she wanted to go exploring or wandering or anything, she was free to do so. And that's exactly what had led Juniper's paws to meander aimlessly around Boreas, just taking in the sights and learning the land she walked on. Her father had always practiced the belief of being truly in tune with your surroundings, and though she had much to learn from her guru parents before she was ever on their level, she wanted to do her best to follow in his paw steps and practice his tribal beliefs as well. So as she walked, Juniper let herself get lost in the nature surrounding her. She drank in her environment, really considering it and paying attention to the finer details of springtime Boreas. The cool ripple of the breeze over the land, the scent of wildflowers blooming and the salt of the nearby sea, the sounds of songbirds in the trees and other local fauna going about their daily lives, the iconic growl of a tiger- wait, what?

Mint green eyes snapped open as another leonine roar echoed out over the hills, coming from a cluster of oddly-shaped stones nearby. There was definitely a tiger over there, which meant the solitary Juniper was definitely not going over there! She was smart enough to not want to die today. Or at least she was until the sound of a lupine growl from the same area pricked her ears to attention again. Oh shit, there was someone else over there with the tiger too? That was enough to give the smaller fae pause, now weighing her options. Sure, she could continue on her way like she hadn't noticed a thing, but what if the other wolf was in trouble? Tigers were formidable adversaries, her mother even hesitated to consider facing one and she was the strongest woman she knew! If someone was in danger, it was her responsibility to help, wasn't it? Her sense of morality winning out over her survival instincts, Juniper turned in the direction of the ruins and sprinted into them, heading in the direction of the sounds of battle.

With her nimble and smaller form, it was easy for Juniper to gracefully leap from stone to stone, moving about the ruins like a bolt of gray and black lightning. Her agility allowed her near limitless movement around the ruins, and as she crested a toppled pillar, she saw the tiger and the wolf. The tiger was a tiger, but the wolf was a rather tall and elegant looking fae, violet in color with a glowing marking on her face. Juniper had never seen a creature like her before! Well, now she absolutely had to help the strange beautiful wolf! From her vantage point, the diminutive fae slunk her way along the pillar, dainty paws moving with lithe grace as she drew nearer to the tiger, and then with a growl of her own she leaped from the pillar onto the tiger's back, claws and fangs biting down into the back of the tiger's neck with all her might. Her stronger jaws afforded her a deeper, more secure grip, but her small mouth could not quite open wide enough to capture the tiger's entire neck to snap its spine in one go, leaving her hanging onto the tiger's back as it yowled in pained surprise and immediately began thrashing and spinning to try and dislodge the little wolf on its back.

"Juniper of the Sea"