
you'd do anything for me




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
03-30-2023, 02:25 PM

We enjoy difficult, don't we?
Usagi watched his brother continue to draw lines in the sand, almost like a methodical trance. The words flipped in his brain like one would toss a stone back and forth in their hands, contemplating. It couldn't be more true. He furrowed his brow as the memories of the past few years played out in his head, like some strange movie reel; their rather soaked landing on the beaches of the large continent, alone and overwhelmed. Completely unaware of the packs that resided here, unaware of their fathers' whereabouts, retracing their steps in the most roundabout way possible. Coincidentally finding Hattori, and the rest being history as they settled into the familiarity of a bamboo-laden solace. Him working his way back to peak shape after getting his ankle snapped by that damn Pirate; meeting Kunai and saving him from near-death; falling in love as if their hearts weren't separated by the wide, endless ocean to begin with. But it took effort, physically and mentally to maintain the resolve the brothers had to stick together and endure it all.

If he wasn't so stiff in his display of emotions he would've smirked a bit at the sentence. Yeah. They sure enjoyed difficult, alright. Difficulty found them wherever their paws led them, it seemed.

Usagi sighed as Kuroo teased him about his reluctant offer to fish with him, but not every season. His crabbiness returned to him as he narrowed his eyes at his sibling in response to that mischievous expression he knew all too well. "It's the best I can do," He replied, words light but still laced with his typical flat undertone. Take it or leave it, in some sense. When further mentions of scouting the Oaks not far from their packlands came up, he was about to agree with a nod before quirking his brow at mention of the fact that there were wolves of their pack that didn't want to stay in the bamboo. He knew what Kuroo was hinting at, but stubborn as he was, he simply responded, "Depends on where Kunai feels comfortable as well - but for what it's worth, I much prefer the privacy the bamboo has to offer already." They made do all this time, anyways, and Usagi was already used to the twists and turns of the bamboo's everlasting labyrinth. It was home. Besides, what wolf of Tojo didn't wish to stay in the secrecy the maze offered?

”Speech”  ’Thought’

wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—