
Hold on. Let me overthink this. [Briar]


The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
03-30-2023, 02:35 PM

Briar nodded with agreement at Gossamer's musing over whether this second time was easier or harder than the first. "Yes... I guess at least we really know for sure this time. I don't think I ever really believed it the first time... but I was able to actually get to know mom this time, so... That's been hard in a different way." She shrugged and gave a little shake of her head. There was no real good answer since it was ultimately hard to lose a parent regardless, but she had to admit that she was probably better prepared for it this time than she had been back then. Being older and with a family of her own at least made her feel like she had more to fall back on and better understood the world as a whole.

As the conversation shifted and she invited Gossamer back tot he castle with a hopeful glance, her sister's acceptance made her smile happily and she gave her a nod. "It's definitely quite a trek now that all of you live up north." She turned and started to lead the way across the plains to the castle that sat at the top of a gentle hill. "It seems like the pack has settled in well up there though," she mentioned as they walked, glancing over to Gossamer. "At least that's how it seemed the couple of times we've been up there to visit. The Col is certainly a more robust home than the plains was." She had been impressed by the market that they had set up and the wide array of caves that they had turned into dens and such when she got a tour from their father during their first visit after the move. "How are you liking the north versus the plains?"

While they chatted, Briar brought Gossamer in through the castle gates and through the gardens to the large front doors of the castle, pushing one open and holding it for her sister till Gossamer had stepped inside. She walked down one of the corridors that brought them to an open room that had windows along one wall that looked out into the gardens and a copious amount of furs and pillows piled in sitting areas of sorts. Briar chuckled softly when she found her antlered fox companion sleeping on one of the pillows and she walked over to Marigold, tapping her on the head and making the gold cross fox pop up immediately. "Briar! Ah, I um, thought you'd be out longer." Briar rolled her eyes and replied, "Yeah yeah, go tell Artorias that Gossamer is here to visit and that we'll have dinner with her tonight." Marigold looked past her to peek at Gossamer and gave the Armada woman a smile. "Ah yes! Lovely to see you again, Gossamer. Right away!" With that, Marigold darted out of the room and Briar glanced back at her sister with a little chuckle before settling on some of the pillows and motioning for Goss to do the same. "I swear, I think she just gets worse with age."

"Briar Carpathius"