
Changing of the Guard




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
03-30-2023, 10:48 PM

Plague grinned as Venom bumped his shoulder and he did the same in return as he chuckled softly. "Oh I wouldn't say that anything is troubling me... quite the opposite actually," he began, pondering for a moment how he wanted to phrase it. "It feels like, for the first time, I'm... dare I say it... ready for a break." He grinned again, humor in his tone as he talked with his sister. It dawned on him just how vastly different his demeanor was from even just a few short years ago when he was discovering himself and his desires, working through how his attractions differed from their family's vision, back when things had felt so hopeless. Now he could stroll with his sister knowing fully who he was and what he was meant to do. And now he was ready to rest. It was a hard thing for a workaholic like himself to admit, which he was sure his sister would understand since she very much was cut from the same cloth, but for his husband and their dear Rava he would give everything.

"My children are grown now. Seere has already matched my rank. Your oldest, my nieces and nephews, are all grown and some are already out in the world, striking out on their own paths. You have Maverick and what a splendid partner and father he has turned out to be." He smiled wistfully, adding, "For the longest time I've dedicated my life to helping and protecting you and both of our families, but... now I think you're all ready to stand without me. I don't feel... pushed aside or replaced. I feel... fulfilled. I feel like I've had a job well done and now I can focus my attention on other things. Like Void and Rava." He glanced down toward the ground in front of his feet as he walked, his emerald gaze distant but happy as he spoke of the wolves that had become his lovers and partners in all of this. The wolves that had given him far more than he'd ever be able to repay.

"They haven't asked this of me, but I want to do this for them. They have done nothing but be dedicated and steadfast with me through my long days and nights of work and patrols and lessons. They've filled in the gaps for our children when I couldn't be there for one reason or another. So... if you'll indulge me, sister, I would like to leave with them. I'd like to move to an island somewhere warm and temperate with them to enjoy our retirement." He brought his gaze back up to hers with a warm smile, quickly adding before she could respond, "Not immediately of course. I would like to be here to help get my youngest nephews and niece started on their training first. And I'd like to see you and Ike married before I go. Not that I'll be gone forever... but those feel like the last things to cross off my list."

Plague Klein-Destruction

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1. Changing of the Guard Cryer's Ravine 11:25 AM, 03-19-2023 07:42 AM, 02-17-2024