
herb sweet home




2 Years
Extra large
03-31-2023, 03:16 AM

Rhysand enjoyed watching Ricin take in those first sips of hot tea. Steam licked at the blue boy's face, dampening the fur on his muzzle slightly. Pale green eyes took in ever inch of his comrade's facial features. Watching as the herbal liquid moved down his tongue and warming his throat. A tiny grin tugged at Rhy's lips as the other explained that he and and his brother were always willing to help out. He may need to come up with an excuse in the future to call upon this vibrant male. Rhys was coming to enjoy his company even in the short amount of time spent together. "How kind." Lashes fluttered as eyes slipped down, taking another lap of tea.

Ricin scooted back and laid down, to get comfortable for the story to come. Rhysand followed suit as he moved into a prone position of his own. Taking another sip of the tea the pale male listened to Ricin's backstory with apparent interest. He couldn't help but to note the slightly more sorrowful look in blue's eye and as the tale began Rhys figured this was not an easy story to tell.

As the story concluded Rhysand allowed the details to roam around in his head. They were saved by the Mendaciums from a Grizzly Bear. Rhys couldn't helpo but to feel impressed, "There aren't many Wolves that have been attacked by a Grizzly and lived to tell the tale." A small smile spread across pale lips. "Impressive." Obviously they had help, but the fact that Ricin was here at all meant that he and his brother were truly survivors.

A wave of serenity seemed to wash over the clearing then. Both Wolves now feeling the effects of the Cannabis. That smile remained on Rhys' lips, he was seemingly unaware that it was still there. After a few moments of comfortable silence deep tones moved through the air. "What do you dream of Ricin?" Rhys stretched out gently, letting forth a low rumble of pleasure as he felt his muscles react to the movement. He placed his chin on his front paws as relaxation set in, watching blue for his answer. Did Ricin want to be in Elysium forever? Or did he wish for more?

Rhysand is a rated M character.
[Image: Banshee-icon.png][Image: Cairn-Icon.png][Image: incubus-icon.png][Image: rhysand-icon.png][Image: thyri-icon.png][Image: Vaella-icon.png][Image: verity-icon.png]