
The spaces between us




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years

OverachieverScarredTeacherCritical Dodge!Double MasterSamhain 2022
1KCritical Attack!
04-01-2023, 12:04 AM

The closeness suited them now more than ever. It wasn't like they'd ever been shy about that kind of thing, but now? Well, now it seemed like it meant even more. Hazel couldn't begin to articulate how happy that made her. Like, the for-real kind of happy she didn't think she was allowed to feel. The adult kind of happy. The kind of happy that, if things had gone differently, she wouldn't have even lived long enough to feel.

"Of course, I'll go drag Mort back from Valta again to do more building," she laughed softly. At the mention of gifts though, light danced in her eyes. It would always be the thought that counted, and he thought of her. It was in the same way she thought of him and... no she wasn't going to get sappy about this. Still, her steps were a little lighter. "Make sure you uh, fully unpack your bag when you get there. Not like I uh, hid anything in it, or anything." A wink, a grin.

"What are they going to have you doing in Ashen, anyway? This isn't some elaborate ploy to have you fall in love with a princess or something, right?" Though her tone was joking, there was maybe a little seed of worry in there. She trusted him unconditionally, but he was the Armada's heir. Hazel could only think about the way Azure looked on her, the way he viewed her as less. The way that she'd always feel the need to fight his view of her as little more than the orphan girl that had huddled against Bas's side, caught red handed in the storehouse. Did Azure even know about their relationship? Did Sirius, for that matter? For as much as she tried not to worry, it was her own self-doubt creeping back in at the edges. It would ever be Bas that she doubted, it would be herself, it would be the circumstances.

"Hazel" & "Basilisk"