
A Mother's Love




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

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7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
04-01-2023, 02:19 PM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2023, 02:20 PM by Manea. Edited 1 time in total.)

Manea looked to Saracyn expectantly, excited to hear what had changed her usually brooding son's outlook so drastically, but she noticed the slight hesitation in him as he seemingly tried to figure out how to tell her what he was so energized by. She couldn't begin to guess what would be so difficult for him to tell her, but as he finally began to share his renewed dedication to his twin and his support of her accent to Matriarch she began to piece it together before he even began to go on to confirm her thoughts in more detail. Perhaps her children thought that she didn't already see and know the depth of their care for each other, but that was the entire purpose behind her attempts to arrange a suitable partnership for them–not because she wanted to distract or discourage them from their feelings, but because she wanted them to have a viable way to produce the children that their family expected and wanted while still being able to love one another.

However, it had already been obvious from her conversations with Avacyn that those attempts had not settled out the way she had originally hoped and as Saracyn expressed the struggle he had finding his place and purpose and his confidence that the Ancients had meant for them to be together it became apparent that the twins had no intentions of being with anyone besides each other. She was careful to keep her expression from falling too far or showing her concern while he continued, giving him, at the very least, a chance to say his piece and tell her why he was so certain about this choice. She couldn't help but feel as if her lessons and teachings about the Ancients and the purpose behind the souls that they bestow to them and their soul mates was being twisted a bit to fit her son's vision of the world for him and Avacyn, but as she watched him speak so passionately about his relationship with Avacyn and be so unwaveringly dedicated to his sister it was impossible for her to stop him or to interrupt. All she could think about was all of the times she had seen him so sullen or moody and then compare that to this man that was sitting in front of her now. This was the way she always wanted her son to be so if this was the trade off she had to make to see his happiness was that worth it?

A frown creased her expression as he looked away from her after he pleaded his case, her ears flicking back as he seemed to almost brace for her reaction. It made her heart ache to know that her own children were afraid to tell her what was truly in their minds or hearts–whether that was to avoid her disappointment or punishment, she didn't know–but she supposed that was simply something that came from being the Matriarch. She was supposed to uphold their laws and their ways, regardless of whether it was her own children or not. If she was leading the way her mother and grandmother before her had led she would have denied his conclusions, enforced their laws, and separated her children. She would have stopped this well before it got this far. But she didn't. For her twins she was too soft, too loyal to them alone and too willing to overlook things for their happiness. It was obvious in the way that Saracyn spoke about how this went against their beliefs that he understood the laws and that he was conscious of the fact that they would be breaking them in doing this so she knew it wasn't a lack of knowledge. This was a love and a dedication that transcended duty and obligation. As she sat across from her son and wrestled with her own stalwart belief in their laws she couldn't bring herself to simply tell him no. This was the kind of love she had always wanted for her children. How could she deny them that?

There was a heavy pause after Saracyn fell silent before Manea finally let out a sigh, glancing down at the ground between them for a moment as she gathered her own thoughts. "Saracyn... I know you know what this means for you. For Avacyn. Living in such contradiction with our laws... Maybe if Avacyn wasn't destined to be the Matriarch it would be easier to forgive and overlook..." She hesitated, bringing her aqua gaze back up to Saracyn's face for a moment before her expression began to soften. She shifted closer to him and cupped his cheek with her paw, lifting his gaze to meet hers again. "But all I've ever wanted was your happiness. If this is what it takes... If this is what will keep you truly happy and fulfilled... then you have my blessing. We will figure out rest, but... what's most important is this spark I see in your eyes right now. I won't allow anything to put that out." She smiled softly, tipping her muzzle up to press a kiss to his forehead affectionately before letting her paw slip from his cheek. "This is the fiery boy that captured my heart when you were just a wiggly little pup. I've missed that passion and joy in you so much and to see you happy again... That means everything to me."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny