
Sneaking Out



10-22-2013, 02:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her heart raced within her chest as she parted ways with Leon, refusing to cast even a single glance backward to acknowledge him again. Doing so would have been dangerous. She would have likely given up everything and raced after him to try and physically drag him back to their den so they could hide from the war, from the fighting, and make sure he would not throw himself into the fray to possibly become injured or worse. Instead Ashtoreth tried to focus on what she had decided, what she had realized needed to be done. Valhalla was no longer safe; they needed to leave.

The quick run from the stream back toward the pack's central camp took no time at all, though the eerie quietness told her that she had not been one of the only ones affected by the call. Many, she was sure, were either on their way or already there at the border to answer the first wave of Glaciem wolves, but she knew better than most that not all of Valhalla were fighters. They would be nothing but sitting ducks here, helpless victims if even a few of the invaders managed to make it past their defenses. Already her legs itched to be gone of the place, to sprint headlong for the border and seek shelter far from the fighting, but she had a duty here that needed to be done.

For fear of alerting the invaders to her plans, she did not howl, though her voice was raised as she approached the dens. "Guys, we got to go!" She hurriedly skidded to a stop and glanced around, noting the absence of many of the warriors and known fighters of the pack, as well as a few healers she was sure were close at hand to the fighting to ensure they could get to the injured fast enough. If things went as planned, she hoped not to need one here. "Glaciem is at the border, but there's enough room for us to sneak out, if we're careful. Those of us not fighting can go to Seracia. We'll be safe there." Though it was more of a hunch, Ashtoreth said the words with conviction. The plan had been mentioned vaguely at the meeting, and she hoped her leaders had made good on it.

OOC: Okay, posting in Seracia but the thread is actually starting in Valhalla. Any Valhallans not fighting - or too young to fight - should post here. Then the group will make the journey to Seracia's border and the thread can be opened to them. Stragglers can jump in at any time. Sound good? c: