
unhinged, unbroken, unbent




Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Hunter (0)

5 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)Pride - PansexualThe Ooze ParticipantWinnerSnake Eyes
04-02-2023, 03:57 PM
The day is cold; as so many of them have turned out to be in these northern lands. While Spring may be in the air, someone seems to have forgotten to tell this place that winter has passed. Steam pours from the male’s nostrils with every breath he takes and clouds the space in front of him as he attempts to gain his bearings. Violet eyes scan the tundra landscape that is dotted with trees as he searches for landmarks that he knows. Thoughts turn to the months he has spent up here and tries to remember what lays ahead.

Sorcerer had awoken up here, in the snow, some unknown amount of time back with little to no memory of the years past. Well, there are some things he remembers, like his name and who is family is but beyond that… nothing. Since he had awoken, Sore has wandered the frigid lands, trying to regain any sense of who he is. A sigh rolls out of his mouth and he pulls the polar bear cloak that he wears a little tighter around his frame. So far, all he has figured out is that he is good at hunting and fighting as evidenced by the bear cloak he wears.

Still, he yearns to know more. Paws delicately crunch the snow as his white form begins to move again and he slips quietly beneath the trees. An unfamiliar scent reaches his nose and the man pauses in his trek to investigate. He finds that the stranger bares the smell of the pack that lingers at the ship up north. While he has not gone up to the borders to meet anyone, the man has poked around the land so that he knows where the borders where.

Now intrigued, the man alters his path so that he can intercept the woman. Paws pull him toward the stranger, bringing him toward them while keeping himself is downwind. As he nears, Sorcerer hears the voice of a rather annoyed lady tell… someone to fuck off. Silently, he moves into view, finding a rather small woman snapping at… the air? Humor colors his voice and his brows lift in merriment, as he calls out, “My, my. Is that any way to greet the day?”

His voice is smooth and deep and a soft laugh easily falls from his lips. Sorcerer continues to draw closer to the woman. Maybe she would enjoy sharing his polar bear cloak? Violet eyes roam her frame as he realizes that she is the perfect size to snuggle with. A sly grin is on his dark lips as Sore draws closer before stopping, making sure to keep a respectful distance from the stranger… for now.

"Sorcerer Vyle-Klein"