
Doomed from the Get-Go


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
04-02-2023, 07:57 PM

What happened next, was something the teenager had not been anticipating. As his jaws opened and he outstretched to try and bite Artorias’ head, the sound of screeching birds and the flapping of giant wings erupted from above him, followed by the whooshing of air as two birds descended from the trees. He couldn’t exactly see them, given that he had been so focused on trying to bite his opponent. So, his reaction was based on instinct, and he ducked his head down to try and avoid an attack if it was coming for him. He felt sharp claws scrape at his folded ears and scuff, which caused him to snarl again. Not just out of anger, but pain too.

His initial attack had failed, and with the birds attacking the back of his head and neck, he couldn’t try to go for Artorias’ head anymore. So, he did what he could. With his jaws splayed, he attempted to use his shorter height and ducked down  head to try and bite at the right side of the taller man's neck. Luckily, he had already been pushing his weight forward, which made the larger man stumble a bit. But it wasn’t enough to knock him down. Artorias had also started to shake his head, trying to disrupt the boy's balance, making him jerk. Indeed this would offset his aim a bit, but he still intended on biting whatever part of his neck he could reach. In sync, he attempted to keep pushing his weight forward, but now, also upward, as he wanted to use Artorias’s hold on his shoulder against him. He hoped to uproot the man’s front paws, to further disrupt his balance. But given the brute's shaking, he had to hone in on his own balance to keep himself from helplessly tumbling at the same time. He kept his core tight, short claws digging into the earth with splayed toes, trying to keep himself from toppling over. And with his folded ears, he wouldn’t be left with any significant scars from the birds pecking at him. But mostly, it was his eyes he was trying to avoid taking damage to.

Sephiran vs Artorias for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: Under 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Mutation 1: Saber teeth (Offensive)
Skills: Expert Fighter & Intermediate Healer


Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.