
Something like Trial and Error


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

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Samhain 2022
04-02-2023, 10:40 PM

It was much more difficult to find something he could use that would withstand the heat of the lava, that would provide enough distance to prevent it from burning him at the same time. The side of the volcano was void of all forms of life. However, just a little ways off, he saw what looked like the remnants of a tree that had succumbed to the eruption and burnt to a crisp for the most part. Emerging from the rock were a couple of charred limbs that had remained relatively intact. Of course, he didn’t need a whole tree limb- a particularly long stick would do. It didn’t matter if the stick burned in the process … he just needed it for a few minutes.

After harvesting a stick from the exposed tree branches, he returned to his material next to the small spout of burning rock. Holding the stick in one end, he dipped it in the small leaking puddle of exposed magma, only to drip a few drops of it along the teeth and edges. Once satisfied that he had covered what he needed to, Aresenn quickly cast the stick aside and reached for the small waterskin he had borrowed from the ship to help prevent the collar from burning to a crisp. Dumping some of the water out on droplets of slag caused an angry hissing noise, but it certainly helped achieve the goal. Satisfied that this adventure had been a success, he set the rest of the water back down and off to the side. As he waited for everything to cool off, he eased himself down into a sitting position- spotting Sephiran a ways off for the first time.