
Bamboo for who? No bamboo for you! [RAID]



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
04-03-2023, 02:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2023, 03:37 PM by Usagi. Edited 1 time in total.)
The thing about living in a specific environment for a specific time was that one adapted themselves - their mannerisms, behaviors, habits - to that environment. The Pirates lived on a sprawling beach with a large, sunken ship; they were used to having the higher ground, spread out lands, and generally given the advantage of a widespread view of their parties they were attacking. Numbers worked in ther favor; a gaggle of yearlings could certainly amount to the abilities of a single or pair of older, more experienced wolves.

But the thing about traipsing up to an unfamiliar place, is that you lost all that sweet, sweet advantage. They couldn’t temper their arrogance for long in a territory that, if they were foolish enough to enter, their minds would be turned around helplessly in a sea of identical green stalks.

Usagi took advantage of that, all too well. The scent of the fucking pirates barely reached his nostrils before grabbing his now-sharpened sword and his companions before effortlessly weaving through the stalks towards the source on the southern end of the maze, his small but muscular form not even grazing the bamboo as he whizzed by with a raging white-hot aura surrounding him.

He was focused on one man, and one man only. The fucker who’d snapped his ankle and Hattori had fractured his in return. An ankle for an ankle, it was; but Usagi was no longer satisfied with that. The way his chartreuse gaze almost became a bright lime-colored hue with anger, the way his ears pinned flat against his skull and his snout wrinkled in the threat of a full-on snarl told anyone besides that dappled man to step back. Gods helps anyone that so much as touched his furious path.

Rapid pawsteps dashed with quick, precise strides, less rabbit and more predator. Eyes were locked on the dappled Pirate with an intensity unmatched; this was personal. The Hohei, double-bladed sword clenched in his maw, used the momentum of his calculated sprint to launch himself upwards, hind legs propelling him off a sturdy stalk of bamboo like a springboard. He aimed to launch himself head-on at the man, and as he landed on the ground - or in a way that could sharply shoulder-check the guy, either way - he aimed to briskly swipe his blades at him, one side and the other, in particular aiming for the man’s legs which hadn’t been covered in some form of armer. The blades being sharp as they were, a toe could easily be lopped off like a hot knof ethrough butter - but all the more painful. Eyes locked on his foe with calculated precision. Maybe the swipes would force the Pirate to step back, shuffle around but miss. Or maybe it would actually hit. A missing toe never hurt anybody, and he was yearning for a fight.

Usagi vs Gilgamesh for Maim (Amputate One Toe)
Round 1/3
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Double-bladed Sword
Companion 1: Maine Coon, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Akita Inu, Male - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Hunter
wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—