
How Many Sunrises Will You Be Blessed With? [Rivin]



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
04-04-2023, 04:58 PM

The sun had yet to rise when Rivin finally decided that sleep wasn’t coming and she needed to leave the den. She took Feng with her, since the wolverine was more keen on assisting her more barbaric vents of energy. Lark was more dignified, dutiful, but the bobcat seemed worried about her methods more often than not. Encouraged her to speak to her father, to her brothers… but Rivin didn’t want to. She loved them, sure, and would maul any creature that looked at them wrong, but she just… she was too much in her head lately. She didn’t want them worried. In a way it was protecting them, wasn’t it? While she figured herself out and her issues. Culling that fox pack that tried to get to her and Aresenn had been thrilling. Fighting alongside him… she had been happy, truly happy for a brief moment. Returning to the Plunder brought those feelings back though. That feeling under her skin… that whisper she couldn’t seem to hear… It was driving her mad. What was it trying to tell her?

Their venture lead them into the neighboring gully and a rabbit had been her victim of the day. The thing was barely a rabbit anymore, shredded, unrecognizable, by the time she finished and set to having a meal. When she was done she took care to gnaw off the back feet. Lucky rabbits feet, right? For her brothers… as a gift or some shit. Did wolves even give body parts as a present? Eh, it was good enough. Thought that counted, anyway. She sent the feet back with Feng to the cavern. She didn’t want to go back there yet. Her paws lead her to the beach where the light accumulation of snow was just firm enough to provide sound as she stepped over it. In a way… it calmed her. Shame it would be gone when the sun rose soon. The rosy sky promised it’s arrival…

The yearling lifted her gaze and froze. There she lay, on the rocks. Rivin’s ears flicked back, disbelief in her eyes. The form she saw was faint, mostly incorporeal, but with enough of a presence to show her form, her colors, almost like someone turned the opacity of her existence down to a far smaller number. A ghost… She probably should have been concerned what such a being was doing in the land of the living. Ghosts didn’t just wander the land – that was a pup’s tale! Yet here she was, the adult that, despite their brief encounter in her time of life, Rivin looked up to more than any other. The first adult to give her any solid advice, and show direct care for her hurt feelings regarding what happened with her “mother” and “brother”.


Rivin quickened her pace, almost with the fear that, if she hesitated, Pyr would be gone. The woman’s back was to her, her focus on the horizon, but who else could it be? “Pyralis!” The yearling called out.

Don’t go… don’t leave us again…

"Talk," 'Think.'