
The Great Escape


10-22-2013, 04:10 PM

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Clicks echoed on the walls of the cave. Rina claws clicking against the cold stone of her prison. She had trusted that cat, only to be abandoned. A growl rumbled in her throat which was magnified again the the cave. The food Silverback had given to her had been long eaten, the bones sucked clean and lay to waste at the entrance. The only thing keeping her alive was the stalwart flow of water dribbling through at the entrance. She had caught a few small rodents, and a few birds that had attempted to roost in the depths of her "home". Nothing had been coming lately as the cold was drawing in. Being near to the top of a mountain next to a massive waterfall did not help with trying to keep warm

Rina needed to get out of here, and fast. She had already begun getting thinner and thinner. Her ribs now showed where there before lean fatty muscle. The ledge was too far to just jump. She would have to be careful about it. She poked her head through entrance. There were a few, inconstant ledges along the Cliffside. Her best hope at any form of escape. With a quick look at what had been her home for the past season and half, she backed to the opposite side of her prison. Paws ran and leapt. Barely clinging to the ledge, Rina scrambled onto the narrow jutting stone. Panting maniacally, she stood pressed up against the cliff. This is going to be hard

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