
Tiger Food?



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-04-2023, 05:34 PM
They fight the tiger, mother and daughter fearing for each other as the battle draws on. Hay is thrown clear of the tiger and her mother and she darts underneath some foliage as she readies her next attack. The fear that had seized her brain moments before quickly turns to anger and the emotion burns hot in her veins. How dare this tiger come onto their lands and try to carry her off! How dare it make her mother come and rescue her! Lips pull back as her legs wobble from the uncontrollable rage that has taken over her mind.

With a loud snarl, Haydée breaks free from her cover and rushes up to the feline, the fear that she had felt now etched into the dying cat’s face. Something akin to pleasure stirs in her belly at the sight and she moves to grab ahold of a flailing paw. Sharp puppy teeth sink deep into the tender pad and she pulls the creature’s limb out and to the side, allowing her mother more room to ravage the beast. The exhaustion she had felt flees before the enjoyment and excitement that taking revenge on the creature brings. Never again would the tiger hurt another and never again would she have to live in fear of it.

In its dying throes, the feline manages to knock Haydée away, send her careening back into the underbrush. A wave of dizziness grounds her and she lays on her side until the world stops spinning. By the time she regains her paws, she hers Whiskers calling to her and she slowly moves to join her mother’s badger companion. The exhaustion she had felt returns with a vengeance and she barely makes it to Whiskers before her butt finds the ground. Subtle tremors shake her small frame as everything that has happened in the last few minutes takes its toll.

Eyes find that her mother is destroying the carcass of the beast and a smile curls her lips upward as she leans into the badger. Soon her winged father is there and she crawls to him for comfort and wound cleaning. She does as instructed, breathing in the comforting scent of lavender before curling around one of his legs. A dopey smile is on her lips even as the tremors increase and sleep tugs her eyelids downward. Dorian is there too, offering comforting words and she nods to him, saying, “No more fear.”

Emerald eyes track her brother’s form as he moves to their mother and the corpse of what once was a tiger is. A yawn splits her maw followed by a wince as her father’s licking hits a rather sensitive area. With a content sigh, Haydée says, “No more fear. Never again.” A gentle hum fills the air as she looks at Dorian and their mother, realizing she is more angry than afraid of what happened.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.