
But I know we've made it this far, kid



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-04-2023, 06:14 PM
The run-in with the tiger had been eye opening and, while the small pup had felt fear at almost being carried away to be a snack, a new side had emerged that Haydée had not realized. It had been raw and passionate, carrying her small form on until the battle was done. It was a new and scary emotion but one the small girl is determined to harness. Since the fight, anger has boiled underneath the surface for the three days that her mother had to rest and recover; anger at the situation that made her feel weak and useless.

At her father’s advice, the small pup has found a secluded spot near the bottom of the waterfall and she takes time to try and still her racing mind. Sitting on the grass, listening to waterfall, she turns her focus to her breathing, allowing the world to fall away until there is only her and her breath. The simmering fire of hate, cools, returning to the gentle embers that it was before the tiger attack and relief floods her system. Haydée grounds herself in the moment before allowing her eyes to flutter open to the beauty around her.

A call reaches her and, when she realizes it is the voice of her mother, the pup immediately springs up to her paws. Mom is awake! Small paws thunder along the trail that leads to the top of the waterfall and she does not slow as she approaches her tall mother. Hay slams into the woman’s front leg with force and wraps her legs around it as she hugs her mother;s leg tightly. Emotion cracks her voice as she says, “Mommy! I was so worried about you.” It is true, the girl had felt responsible for her mother’s condition and had spent most of the previous three nights laying awake.

But now her mother is awake and calling for her! That must mean she is okay. After squeezing her leg tightly one more time, Haydée scampers backwards to look up into Bellamy’s eyes. Tail wags as she looks up at her mother with immense love and adoration. The fight with the tiger has not altered the girl’s outlook of her mother and, actually, has made her appreciate her mother more. But there is a reason for the summons so the small pup plops her butt in the grass, tail still wagging and says, “That was really scary. I thought I was going to be eaten! And… I thought it killed you.” Ears droop as her shoulders hunch inward, the guilt and fear she had felt showing its face again.

WC: 437
Total : 1048 / 1500

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.