
take the call



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

2 Years
04-05-2023, 12:58 AM

Keahilani was not built for isolation.

She was growing tired of being alone. While she enjoyed travelling for diplomacy, she didn't crave her time alone. She longed for the company of others, and she had set about these lands to find a pack. She knew she was useful, she had skills in scouting and travel didn't bother her. The young wolf enjoyed exploring and was fine with reporting back. Any pack would be able to put her to use. While she wasn't particularly suited for healing or fighting - one look at her stature could prove that, she thought - she was decent at hunting and had been able to provide for herself among her travels. Surely, if they didn't need a scout or messenger, she could help with hunting!

The thought of a home invigorated her, and she walked with purpose as she scented the ground occasionally, exploring these lands with the same fascination as a child would have. The trees here were so large, so much bigger than she could ever remember back home, and it made her feel so very small. Ke paused for a moment, head lifting up towards the sky, the wind ruffling through her fur and sending a chill down her spine. Shuddering, she lowered her head and looked around, brows pulling together. The ground had... purple flowers. She sniffed at it, the scent of it bringing a familiar, warm memory to the forefront of her mind. Ah, lavender. Her nanny had used it to help soothe her in childhood, when she would nightmare of the fire.

Shaking the memory of her traumas away, she turned back to the task at hand. Finding a new home.

It didn't take her awfully long, finding lands that smelled of other wolves, and strongly so. She paused at a particularly strong scent mark, finding it smart to not cross past it, eyes darting around the area. Keahilani didn't want to be caught off guard, nor did she wish to be seen as a trespasser. She was simply trying to find somewhere new, to fit in and be put to use. Somewhere in which there weren't expectations placed upon her for 'greater things' like handling a kingdom. She couldn't do that, and she didn't want to either.

Another moments pause, a beat of indecision, a slow exhale.

Then, inhaling, she let loose a cautious howl. Was anyone nearby? While revealing her location to absolute strangers could be a potentially dangerous idea, she would bet well on herself and chances of outrunning danger. She wasn't a fighter, and her posture was relaxed and easy. It was clear that the svelte female wasn't looking for trouble, but instead a friendly conversation. Maybe an invitation into these lands. Hell, she could hope for both.

Talk. Think. Walk.
keahilani // enya // masou
little survivor princess

avvie creds to Shrapnel <3