
Bamboo for who? No bamboo for you! [RAID]


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
04-05-2023, 10:19 AM

The longer she looks at the boy, the more she wonders if he has koi blood within him. The mottled coat is more patterned like that of Raijin than either of the adults accompanying them. Tenshi almost wants to stop so she can swoop him up and take him hostage. Could she take him hostage? Would he not be better off living here within Tojo-Kai where he could be raised with dignity and respect? Yet, she had her own life to deal with and knew she wouldn't have the time to be kidnapping pups.

She blinks a few times to bring her back to reality as the yearling's companions come in to answer her own. A bird swoops in to distract one and a smaller cat onto the back of the other. Ah, so he had come prepared. Tenshi is amused and impressed as her focus goes back to the boy. Holding her ground just in front of the bamboo as he bounds gleefully toward her, she readies herself. Her ears pulled back, hackles raised, tail aligned with her spine, and her head slightly lowered. Tenshi isn't surprised when he lifts up and reaches his paws out to try and grapple around her shoulders. She lets him as she feels the warmth of his soft fur and tensed muscles press against her chest. Her own teeth reach out to grab ahold of his cheek as his own teeth grab hers. Using her heavier form to try and lift herself up into the air, Tenshi aims to body slam the youngster into the ground if everything works in her favor.

Tenshi vs Calico Jack for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Shuriken
Defensive Battle Accessory: Studded shoulder pads
Companion 1: Snow leopard, Male - Battle
Companion 2: White Egret, Male - Flying
*Companion 3: Snow leopard, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Antlers - Offensive
Mutation 2: Thick skin - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Healer
Specialty: Fitness Coach