
Bamboo for who? No bamboo for you! [RAID]



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
04-05-2023, 05:21 PM

Usagi barely realized his own toe had been severed until the calcio idiot brandished it in his bloodied teeth. Well, what was done was done - and personally, at least in the moment when both of them were too adrenaline-high to feel pain - he’d preferred a lost toe than a smashed ankle.

Satisfaction surged in his veins, roared in his chest when his blade swiped back with flying beads of blood. Nevermind that they were both numb to the sensations. It would hurt like hell later, and as he glanced at the cuts he’d made to the Pirate’s chest and shoulders, the impact was enough to let him shake off the decapitated toe.

His own swipes proved to be an equal revenge; a skillfull hit of his blade severed one of his opponent’s own toes - how ironic. Instead of holding it in his mouth (which he thought was disgusting, quite frankly), his Akita rushed in and quickly snatched the Pirate’s decapitated toe in its maw, running off with tail wagging.

They clashed, they brandished their teeth and bumped shoulders. No doubt their fight was one of the more bloody ones here today; the impact of the severed toes left splotches of crimson on Usagi’s (remaining) toes and chest. His gaze still remained hot and fiery, and as the Pirate reached for the ankle he’d jutted out for a kick, he let out a ‘tch’ in exasperation. The ankle-grabbing was beginning to be a tired move. He wasn’t falling for it, and quite frankly, one toe removed was enough. A fractured ankle wasn’t necessary, nor would he give the bastard the satisfaction.

Swiftly, Usagi pulled his ankle up higher - thankfully his agile limbs were flexible and stretching his leg up high wasn’t a problem. The snapping of teeth whizzed past his foot as he swung it back quickly behind him, a blaze lit in his gaze. He was enraged. Nearly off his head in a white-hot anger that practically lit his entire body in a glow - if that were truly possible.

Still, he didn’t snarl, didn’t show any emotion except through his actions. He was fury personified. Sword readied in his maw, he abandoned his kicking in favor of aiming to pivot his body so he was perpendicular to the Pirate; he swung his sword with one blade tilted upwards swiftly, as if trying to force the mottled wolf to jump back if he wished to avoid yet another cut - particularly around his crimson-covered chest - and also aimed to force his body forward and slam one side of his face into the Pirate’s side of his face as well. A face-check, if you will; whether it made a resounding impact or not, he didn’t truly care. But he wasn’t snapping his ankle again, lest he wanted another jab of his blade.

Usagi vs Gilgamesh for Maim (Amputate One Toe)
Round 3/3
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Double-bladed Sword
Companion 1: Maine Coon, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Akita Inu, Male - Battle
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Hunter


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—