
Bamboo for who? No bamboo for you! [RAID]



Expert Fighter (191)

Expert Intellectual (137)

3 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

OverachieverLoserUnderachieverCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
04-06-2023, 08:06 PM

It had been a long ass trip down to the pack of ninja koi that he and his siblings would be facing. His father wouldn't be joining them this time around, much to Diablo's disappointment. While he wanted to make his father proud, he was half glad his father wasn't here to witness in the off chance he ended up losing his first real fight. Diablo followed quietly behind the others, keeping his siblings in his sights. To his knowledge, this was their first real fight, too. Though he couldn't speak for them, of course. The introverted youth didn't know if they had gone to pick fights with others, but this was their first raid, too.

Taking a deep breath, Diablo hung back as the koi wolves began to emerge from the bamboo, and when the others got themselves into a brawl, Diablo zeroed in on someone that had arrived. Closer to his age, about his same size, and although Diablo had no clue what the experience of the other was, he figured he could take him on. Like a shadow, Diablo raced towards him, seeking to come in head on, head lowered as he sought to headbutt the male head on with his horns. If he was lucky, the bristles along the back of his neck would prick and prod his would-be opponent. He snapped his left paw-hand open, seeking to grab onto Tachi's foreleg and pull it forward in an effort to unbalance him and pull him closer, and with luck, aid in yanking the other into his headbutt.

Diablo vs Tachi for Dominance - Raid
Round: 1/?
Age: over 1yr
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Mutation 1: Horns - Defensive
Mutation 2: Bristled Mohawk - Defensive
Mutation 3: Dexterous Paws - Offensive
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Intermediate Intellectual
