
By The Fire's Side

Anthea Intellect Seasonal


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
04-06-2023, 11:58 PM

Spring may be in full swing up in Boreas but, down here in Auster, fall is slowly settling in. As the season had turned, there had been something besides just beautiful flowers to look forward to. For Andy and her siblings, it had heralded the closing of the first full year of their lives. It has been strange, difficult, and, at times, almost too much to handle but they had all survived. It may seem trivial but, to her, it feels like a major accomplishment. So, to celebrate, the young purple girl had set out to visit her sister down at The Hallows.

Andy had been sure to pack a small bag with items that she may need before she had set out on her trip. Thankfully, it had been uneventful and she had made the trek much faster than she thought she would. As her paws cross the Bifrost, night has begun to fall and the girl decides to change her plans slightly. The grove of huge aspen trees calls to her and she finds a secluded spot with a gap in the canopy to provide a view of the stars. She decides to spend the night here and meet up with her sister in the morning.

There is plenty of kindling and dead leaves to create a fire and the purple girl quickly sets about gathering what she needs. Andy selects several thick branches and a heap of leaves, moving the items to where she plans to start her fire. Next, she selects some stones and begins to make a small ring in the clearing. It will help to keep sparks from jumping out and igniting things that should not be and allow the wolves around it not get burned. Since it is fall, the grass here has died and left the area to be nothing but barren dirt.

With her stone ring set, the girl then moves some of the dead leaves into the middle. Then, she begins to stack the branches in such a way that they appear to make a tent. Finally, she spreads the rest of the dead foliage on the tented wood. From her bag, she withdraws a piece of flint and a small piece of steel. Carefully, underneath the middle of the branches, Andy strikes the flint and steel together, sending sparks flying. After a few attempts, some of the leaves begin to smolder and she lowers her head to the struggling flame.

Gently, she breathes slowly onto the area until several flames begin to leap upward and she pulls away. Sitting back, she slowly feeds the growing fire some small sticks. Soon enough, Andy has a nice fire crackling merrily out in the open. Moving outside of the stone ring, the purple girl settles on the dirt. Pale blue eyes watch the dancing flames, falling into a slight daze as they hypnotize her.

The cracking of a dried stick nearby pulls the girl’s attention away from the fire and she is immediately on high alert. Muscles tense for a moment before the familiar scent of the Hallows greets her and she quickly relaxes. It is her sister’s pack and everyone she met there was nice. Softly, Andy calls out, “Hello?” Pale gaze watches for a form to break from the shadows and join her.

WC: 553
Total WC: 553 / 1500

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.