
Where The Freaks At?

Shelby Fighting Seasonal



Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
04-07-2023, 03:04 AM

The gentle rolling hills and close proximity to pack lands have been calling to the earthen-hued woman for some time. Athena has been cooped up for far too long and the beautiful Spring day is just too nice to ignore. She meanders through the prey laden land, watching the buffalo graze from a safe distance. One lone wolf cannot take down a single buffalo let alone a herd of them and both parties know it. Thankfully, they seem to strike an uneasy truce with the wolf that wanders the lands; they do not turn to charge her and she does not threaten them.

As she wanders, she finds stone structures slowly being reclaimed by the greenery around it. Athena pauses to consider a large willow tree that grows out at an angle from a domed roof. Her head tilts as she traces the roots down the skewed building’s façade, admiring the beauty that is nature. Ivy crawls across the exposed face, covering any etching that might have been there. Flies buzz by her head and she flicks her ears to unseat a couple that have tried to find purchase. Suddenly, a bright flash of color enters her field of view and she refocuses her amber gaze to catch it.

A beautiful monarch butterfly flutters in front of her, searching for a flower to rest on. A smile pulls her lips up and a content sigh rolls gently from her mouth. She lingers a moment longer, tracing the butterfly’s path before deciding to move on. The sun is a welcome companion and the warmth it offers is sublime as she slowly treks along a grassy hill. As Athena walks, the wind suddenly shifts and brings to her, the musk of a grizzly bear. Grimacing, she turns to avoid the area it originates from when another scent follows hot on its heels. It is a wolf.

Uncertainty tugs at her mind for a minute before her compassionate heart wins out she races to where the pair are. It is a fair distance away and, as she nears, she hears a male talking to… someone. Not slowing down to try and understand what he is saying, Athena races right into the fray. Coming up from the grizzly’s left side, she notices it is distracted and sitting, facing a stranger. She races to the left front leg, delivering a strong, painful bite before back peddling away. A roar of pain a string of loud cursing fills the area. She pauses to take a moment and puzzle over why the guy seems so mad.

But battles wait for no one and, as the unknown male rushes towards its face, Athena also rushes back in. She latches onto the leg she had attacked, aiming for the joint that rests at the elbow. Thrashing her head, she hears the pop and feels the tendons shred underneath her teeth. A roar is given but, with only two working legs, the bear can do very little to retaliate. The wolves slowly stalk around it, looking for an opening to end the creature’s suffering. Or at least, that is what she is doing.

WC: 523
Total WC: 1128 / 1500

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.