
unhinged, unbroken, unbent




7 Years
Extra small

04-07-2023, 06:19 PM

Alone? Not for long. Never for long. Never alone for long out here, and still here she is. There are footsteps in fresh-fallen snow. Footsteps. She can hear him. Atropos is acutely aware that he's here, and still... still she doesn't look. Won't look. Not until he's closer. She had digging to do, seeking out the mushrooms where they'd hopefully be beneath the snow. Seeking out the things that she can find beneath it, rummaging, searching. Sniffing. The more she sniffed at the damp earth, the more disappointed she was. Scowling at the cold and the damp. Hackles up. Hackles up to protect from the cold, hackles up as a display of her true annoyance at the dirt beneath her feet. At the wind that she'd just shouted into.

He speaks. Atropos's head comes up, and she turns slowly. A steady, appraising look at him. A look that seeks him out, and that seeks to see. Appraising. Taller than she is. Taller, longer legs. Even at a distance, she can tell that he's taller. Her head tilts to the side ever so slowly, and then to the other. Careful look. A careful look, piercing eye contact. Atropos was sizing him up. Considering. Considering for a long moment at first, and then a longer one. Handsome. Handsome creature. The laugh though, the laugh gets her. Opalescent eyes narrow. It's not a scowl necessarily, but there's something scornful at the heart of it. She was being laughed at.

Laughed with? Atropos doesn't necessarily understand the context, in this moment. Still, in only a heartbeat she's fixed her face. Atropos adjusts her posture, too, forepaws cleared of dirt in a patch of slush. "It's too cold and it's too windy." The complaints of a petulant child, maybe. It reflects the same way in her tone. While the girl is puffed up as best she can, there's not all that much of her. There's not all that much to speak of. Still, she can try to look big. Try being the operative word. "If this one fucks off maybe we can get a new one." Right. Why was she yelling at a strange man again? Hm. Didn't matter. Atropos would yell away.

feelin like a freak on a leash
you wanna see the light

Warning: this character is unpredictable and prone to violence.  Interact at your own risk.  Reader discretion is advised.