
It ain't the speakers that bump hearts it's our hearts that make the beat

Pack Meeting



Expert Fighter (146)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

04-07-2023, 06:42 PM

If all of the kings

He was silent as he watched more and more filter in for the meeting. Truth be told he had never been part of a pack and had no idea what to even do at a meeting. Let alone he didn't really want to be noticed by anyone. Well save for by Lucette, who to his glee did come striding in after him. His tail began thumping almost too loudly for his comfort as she came over and leaned against his shoulder with a tease for him.

His grin turned to a devilish smirk as he made to pull her down to be laying with him now and half under him. "Well then i guess I'll just have to book it when she does and in the mean time hide behind you." his voice was hushed and teasing in nature as he aimed a long swipe of his tongue and a large glob of drool at her cheek. It wasn't enough to drench her but it would be enough for most girls to squeal about, but then again Lucette wasn't your typical girl.

He gave a chuckle missing the last few members trickling in as he tried to drool bomb Luce. But then her mom was talking and he turned his face to Bellamy. She started by introducing pack members, and Bae took in each one's face not expecting to be introduced yet to the members. But yet he was proved wrong, Bell's eyes fell on  him and he gulped as his ears pressed back. The discomfort of being in the spotlight was there for certain. She made sure to let everyone know he was dealing with his own mental state and he looked away.

In the moment he almost wanted to be anywhere but here.

But then Bellamy moved on like he hadn't been uncomfortable with being in the spotlight. Moving onto Lucy. His ear flung forward at the announcement and his blue eyes moved across the crowd. his chin dropping finally to land on Luce's head after it seemed the attention was off the pair of them. "Gratz, Luce." His voice was whispered for only her ears and a grin was back on his face while his tail gently thumped behind him. He kept listening to everything but alot of his attention turned to this Tanelan. He had multiple wolves living in his body? Strange. But then again so was seeing and hearing demons.

His eyes turned to Bellamy again and he sighed. This time in relief as Bell's didn't deem to give him an apprentice. Good he didn't trust himself yet either. Most of the rest of the meeting was political mumbo jumbo he didn't quite take interest in so he instead turned his attention to Lucy again allowing his rainbow colored tongue to loll out of his mouth right over luce's muzzle and drool to start dripping down his tongue hopefully landing on her snout if she wasn't aware of his intentions until it was too late.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Have their queens on the throne

Art by Asena

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.