
[CLOSED] Aurora Viking Koi - 4 available, 1 disability

image heavy



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
04-08-2023, 09:23 AM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2023, 12:03 PM by Salt. Edited 1 time in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Salt
Character's Name: Vili
Gender: Male
Adult Height: 38" - 39"
Height: Large
Build: Medium
Appearance Description: (Working on Appearance rn, though I'm heavy considering the greyscale space design I did ;A;)
Mutations: Crystals if I could swing an inheritance pass~
Personality: In true chaotic neutral fashion, Vili considers himself a free spirit. He shirks rules and traditions in favor of his own wants and desires, pushes boundaries just for the sake of it, and values his own freedom above the freedom of others. He is not one to be hard-set in his ways. What seems like a good idea today might seem a terrible one tomorrow, and so he operates as such. He is prone to impulsivity and indulgence, obsession, and stubbornness, though he has enough positive qualities to balance out the negative. Vili is the intelligent and ambitious sort who knows how to see his goals accomplished. He's adaptable enough to get himself into and out of any situation, and he knows better than to start a fight he can't win. He has a curious mind and takes information in easily. His personality ebbs and flows with his mood, charming and enigmatic at times, while unpredictable and strange at others. His loyalty is hard-won and rarely given, though once it is, he often devotes himself fiercely.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills: Healing / Intellect
Preferred Dad: Vidarr? No preference though, really xD
Disability? No :( I'm in the same boat as Fig here. I wish I had the creativity LOL
Intended plots: Leaving this mostly to IC events.