
It ain't the speakers that bump hearts it's our hearts that make the beat

Pack Meeting



Master Fighter (295)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

5 Years

VengeanceThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverExplorer
Mammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerPride - BisexualSnake Eyes1KDouble Master
04-08-2023, 10:15 AM

Dagrún smiled back at Bellamy then got herself settled for the meeting. The alphess started with introductions and Dag did her best to match names and faces, nodding a swift greeting to her fellow pack mates as she was introduced. Her brow quirked at the mention of Tanelan and the multiple spirits that inhabited the wolf's body. That sounded like something out of her mother's stories and she was curious how such a creature came to be but would restrain herself from prying to much.

Her ears perked up as she was assigned the mentor to Lyonesse. She nodded to the girl. They hadn't really interacted much but she made note to try and catch the girl after the meeting to arrange a training time. Bellamy then turned to the other orders of business, namely the borders. Dagrún nodded as her alphess spoke but kept silent for now, not wishing to interrupt. If Bae-syl was going to patrol the creek then Dag would focus more on the falls. She was also reasonably skilled at hunting and crafting, especially with Sperla's help.

The alphess then moved on to pack relations and again Dag took notes, in particular the Armada since she was debating trying to visit Gossamer again. She continued into packs they were to be careful around. Truthfully, Dagrún had no problem with slavery. Being brought up primarily by her viking mother within Fireside it had always been an accepted part of life. It had been one of the primary drivers for her interest in battle. Not to obtain slaves but that should she ever be captured she would be able to gain her freedom. Still, she knew Ethne's values and had no desire to contest them. She knew plenty of packs practiced slavery which meant Ethne would come into conflict eventually and she would have the opportunity to engage in honorable battle.

Dagrún figured they'd be raided by the pirates eventually. Only more incentive to get the younger members trained up and to keep an eye out for potential members to add to their ranks. After the discussion of pack relations it turned to raising livestock. While she was more a hunter than a farmer she did like the idea of having some tasty birds around and ready for slaughter, especially in the harder winter times. There was, of course, the risk that having a bunch of prey nearby would attract predators. More opportunity, though, to sharpen her skills.

Bellamy then offered to get a gift for each of them. Dagrún had to think for a moment on that. "I can take more focus on patrolling the falls if Bae-syl plans to take the creek." She was just one wolf so the odds of keeping the falls completely guarded was slim but she'd do her best. "I appreciate the gift. At the moment I have what I need armor and weapon rise. However, I wouldn't mind a small, silver hoop earring for one of my ears."

With that she got up and moved over to Lyonesse. "Hello, Lyonesse. If you like we can meet tomorrow morning at the base of the falls for a training session, after the sun fully lifts above the horizon. What goals do you have for yourself? What would you most like to learn?"