
Rainbows, foxes and kois, oh my!(3/6 closed)

Bae-syl x Lucette babies



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
04-08-2023, 12:08 PM (This post was last modified: 04-23-2023, 03:31 PM by Lucette. Edited 2 times in total.)
Rolling in to chime in that I have a Full Abnormal Colorpass I can give to one of the kiddos, should they choose a design it would be applicable to! If the design you bring is your own and we do need to reclaim or the pup is given back I will reclaim the pass if that is okayed by staff, but design and other purchases will of course stay with you. As Asena said we are very flexible and understand how life can be. We can hope for activity but hell, if you can't be active with all your chars why would we fault you for not being active with the pup? We just ask for a tiny bit of communication is all. Just a "Hey, life is being life, sorry! Still interested in the kiddo." is more than enough. If you are unsure if a design would work for the litter you are free to ask me or Asena and we'll let you know. Overall I feel like the litter is fairly flexible, with a fair bit of varied mutations popping up.


For those of you keen on genetics, I can provide a little more insight to things on Lucette's side of things.

Through her mother, Bellamy, blacks,dark ashen browns, grays, silvers, whites, and creams tend to pop up. Eye colors are commonly blue or green. Manes are the most common mutation, with slightly longer fangs in both the top and bottom jaws. Not quite sabers though! An example can be found here - This is the design I planned for Bellamy's father! Their heights range from large to extra-large.

Through her father, Gavroche, reds, oranges, browns, blacks, and whites are pretty common. Green eyes, as well as fiery colors like red, orange, and gold were pretty common, with amber and lighter browns seen too. For mutations, manes were the most common as most born with other mutations were quickly killed and even Gav had a maim attempt on his wings as a pup. That said, wings have only appeared in his lineage once. Typically the Kedieo line are bred to be extra large, but lucky Gavroche and Lucy, they got the shallow end of the gene pool and are tiny! Fun sized wolves, anyone? For additional insight to designs in the family you have Gavroche's father, Hakku and his first cousin on his mother's side, Melanthios.


With the kids Asena and I are taking, we are definitely exploring the possibility of mutations that can crop up from these two families. My head cannon is that both families have a bit of unstable makeup, making varied colored combinations and different, even new mutations possible! Given the lines they come from that's probably not too far off from the truth.

-Mohawks and mane mutations are going to be fairly commonplace. The "emo bang" or sweeping bangs in the front are very, very common for style. Already going to be present on "Ardyn" (name change pending) and Baecette.

-Saber fangs are going to be present on Vitani while Baecette will have serrated fangs. Saber fangs are also present on their uncle Alexander. Their aunt Lyonesse also has a fang mutation in lion fangs!

-Retractable claws are going to be present on Baecette and a similar set of mutations can be found on his aunt Lyonesse who as lion paws!

-Antlers are a new mutation popping up and will be present on Vitani.

-Dexterous paws are a new mutation popping up and will be present on Baecette.

-Glowing markings are a new mutation popping up and will be present on Vitani.


So yeah! If you got something new on the back burner with some fun colors or muties you're hoping to bring in mayhaps check with us and see what we think! We'd love to get some siblings for our chaotic munchkins... (Well, at least til Vitani and Baecette grow up to their dire size.)

Note: The maned design is for Ardent use only. If you wish to use the design elsewhere you must purchase it from me in order to be able to do so.
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.