
So, A Pirate and a Sociopath Walk Into the Col

Aislyn, Dragon, Hermès, Sea, and Lunar as plotted c:


The Syndicate

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Samhain 2022
04-08-2023, 06:35 PM (This post was last modified: 04-20-2023, 11:06 PM by Aresenn. Edited 6 times in total.)

He hadn’t been on the Armada raid for himself- he had been too young at the time. So all he had to go off of was the stories that the other pirates had brought home. And while as a pup, he had taken them for their word- impressed by their harrowing tales of battle and grandeur. Now he wasn’t sure how to process that information having seen more failures than successes. As a young adult, he had begun to develop his own opinions and interpretations, and at best, his feelings for his pack mates were lukewarm. They were too haphazard, and uncoordinated for his liking. To be fair, perhaps it was just his general distaste for other wolves, but he had been subtly distancing himself from them and felt he had been better off because of it.

The visit to Armada had just been part of that. He was vaguely aware of where the entrance to the marketplace was judging by the stories. And when a large mouth of a cave came into view, he felt some sense of reassurance. However, it didn’t stop him from hesitating. “I think we are supposed to wait for an escort …” He said quietly to Sephiran at his side, all the while, not moving his attention away from the darkened entrance before them.