
Destruction Babies!



Master Healer (256)

Intermediate Navigator (45)


3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - PansexualSamhain 2022
04-09-2023, 10:14 AM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2023, 01:46 PM by Crux. Edited 1 time in total.)
Name: Magpie Destruction (Second choice name is Shrike, would need to be cleared up)
Sex: Female
Size/Build: 29", Light

(Reuse permission granted by Kat)
Appearance: Magpie will largely take after her mother in most ways, she is a little thing, not as small as her mother but she's not exactly big. She will be born light, almost delicate looking but as she grows and fills out instead she'll develop a dancer's build. She'll only ever grow to be 29 inches tall and that paired with her lighter frame will combine into a feminine look, and she'll move like it, light on her paws and seeming more to glide or dance than to walk.

Further the old blood, Memoire or Black, shines through easily on Magpie's pelt. Though the coloration could be argued to be Destruction as well though less seen in this particular branch of the family tree. The girl is swaddled in a silvery white color, more grey or more white depending on the light. This is broken up by a single color, though it marks her in many ways. An ashen black that marks all four of her paws, rising up past her wrist on her forelegs and just above her hocks on her hide legs where it starts to rise up along the backs of all her limbs and flecks across the fronts of them, similar to striping but uneven and random. The whole of her tail is black and the color runs up her spine to her shoulders. The rips of her ears are also rimmed in this coloration. It's on her face that a familiar set of markings manifests in this same color, a set of markings running from the outer corners of her eyes and down towards the bridge of her nose, each flecked with black off the side of these lines, and a swirling marking that moves from her lips up to beside her nose.

Finally she also bears a pair of violet eyes, almost in mirror of her mother.

Personality: Magpie is perhaps a more fit name than just her looks would imply. She will have a penchant for collecting, anything that sparkles, shines or even just catches her eyes, as she grows it'll be likely that others will be finding her stashes of treasures under paw. And while the more visually stunning items will be easy to understand her eclectic tastes may leave other wondering if there's any pattern at all to what she'll collect. Woe betide to anyone she discovers stealing, or even just throwing out her treasures, but she's more than eager to use them in barter and trade, mostly for other things she'd like to correct but as she'll grow she'll learn the value in things not able to be physically collected as well.

Because much like the corvidae that gives her her name Magpie is sharp as a whip and remembers both those that have done right by her and those that have wronged her, and she may let that grudge simmer for years until she's given a chance to act on it, and others may never even know that she's harbouring it because the girl's outward face is happy and exuberant. In fact similar to a real Magpie she's also loud, easily excited and struggles to regulate both her excitement and her volume, she may need to be reminded to use her inside voice from time to time. But well what is she supposed to do when there's so much fun to be had and so much to see and learn? It's safe to say Magpie is a great friend to have at a party and a great friend to recruit to getting revenge on your shitty ex, and in truth she'd rather make friends than enemies, and woe to anyone who hurts her family, only she's allowed to tease them!

Skills: Intelligence & Hunting

Plans: Pick up hunting from her parents, beyond that go out, have adventures and see what happens.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Crux has a 6 inch long burn scar on his throat, most of his art does not reflect this.